Each month we are going to take the time to get to know one of our PSL officials better. This is a great way to know the person who dedicates their free time to umpiring or refereeing your games.
Our May PSL official of the Month is Matt! Get to know Matt better and be sure to say hi to him at your next PSL game.
How long have you been officiating with the PSL? I began officiating flag football in May, 2002.
Which sport(s) do you officiate? I officiate flag football, softball, dodgeball and basketball.
What is your favorite PSL officiating memory? My wife and I met during PSL kickball and coordinated our first date at a PSL End of Season party. My roommate at the time also met his now wife through the PSL and coordinated their first date at the very same party.
What do you do for a living? English and Media Teacher at Burgettstown Middle High School.
Why do you enjoy officiating? Officiating keeps me active, is a fun way to stay close to sports, and provides me with the chance to meet new people.
Anything you’d like to say to all of the PSLers? Take advantage of the opportunities PSL and PUMP provide and strive to be more active in our community.