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AFFH Fair Housing Policy Proposals: How do we affirm Fair Housing in the City of Pittsburgh?
August 11, 2018 @ 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Please join the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Task Force for the fifth session in their summer series of in-depth explanations of proposed policies to reverse long time patterns of housing segregation, displacement, and inequitable access to critical needs and opportunities.
- Presenter Paul O’Hanlon, Chair of the AFFH Task Force: Maximizing Use of The Section 8 Home Ownership Program for low-income residents
- Presenter Bobe Damewood, Regional Housing Legal Services: Fair Housing Criteria for the Assessment of Proposed Development Projects: When assessing proposed development projects, all jurisdictions, commissions, and authorities should perform an analysis and require a showing that the project will not perpetuate patterns of segregation or effectively exclude members of protected classes
Each presentation will be followed by a chance for detailed questions and answers. The summer series of overviews will be followed by a series of four public meetings in the fall in North, South, East, and West of Pittsburgh, for community members and organizational stakeholders to share more detailed feedback on these draft policies and to suggest ideas for other needed policies. Finalized policy recommendations will be presented to the City of Pittsburgh in April of 2019.
A light meal will be offered and child care is available upon request for children three years and older. A complete version of the draft policies covered in any session that you attend will be provided. If you cannot attend, the draft policy will be sent to you by email or by regular mail as you request.
Please contact Helen Gerhardt at 412-518-7387 or helengerhardt1@gmail.com for more information, to request a copy of the draft policies, and to RSVP for the event.
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